It appears that MRQ does not actually add the pass that updates the Water Info Texture in the WaterZone actor. If the Skylight is set to "SLS Captured Scene" and does not capture every frame, then t ...
The Level Visibility tracks part of a Subsequence are turned off every time you save the Leve Sequence. It does not happen if Level Visibility tracks are added in the main Sequence. ...
Renaming a variable in a parent blueprint will reset the value of that variable for any child blueprint based on the parent within the level viewport. ...
Scaling objects via a timeline scales past the intended value when attempting to scale to 0,0,0. Instead of ending at 0,0,0 the scale will be set to an extremely small negative value such as -.0019, ...
Landscape material layers show "none" after generating weight blended layers in landscape paint mode. The landscape layers are painted as normal but do not show that any layer is assigned. ...
Crash occurs when removing the native root component from code and then attempting to reopen a Blueprint Class asset that was based on the native parent class. Seems like maybe the 'AttachParent' f ...
When a bool variable is defined in code, changing the default value of the variable does not update on a hot reload This is inconsistent with other variables types that update their current value w ...
If you package with Runtime Generation set to Dynamic and then switch to Static and attempt to repackage, the packaging will fail with the following error message.[2016.02.08-16.18.14:511][217]MainF ...
A crash occurs when reimporting a SpeedTree asset after clearing the material billboard element and setting it to the default world grid material. The licensee reporting the issue mentions to worka ...
When enabling the AudioDeviceModuleName=AudioMixerXAudio2 setting in the windowsengine.ini file it causes new level loads to lock up. This may be due to the garbage collection stuck in a loop wai ...