This problem did not occur in 4.27.0. Animation is not output when outputting a hierarchical structure. Actor(A) ┗Actor(B) ┗Actor(C) This is how the attachments are registered, and the ke ...
This is a 4.18 Mac/Metal crash that has occurred for a few users. It appears related to the Forward Renderer. Callstack from Log[2017.10.27-06.10.08:809][261]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map ...
Widget components appear to be affected by lighting. This causes differences in color between widget components and widgets that have been added to the viewport. ...
Modulate Blend Mode on Deferred Decals does not blend multiply with background pixels. Transparency for Deferred Decals also does not seem to match with what occurs in 4.27; Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested ...
This is a Regression. 4.26.2 - Binary - no issue creating a session. 4.27.1 - Binary - no issue creating a session if you convert a previously working 4.26.2 project. 4.27.1 - Binary - Fails to c ...
I've attached a project with the necessary materials that demonstrate this issue. I would expect that just because a Set Material Attributes node is inside a material graph it wouldn't affect the de ...
Particle systems ignore lighting channels - no matter what channel a light is on (even if no channels are selected), it will affect lit particles. Changing lighting channels on the particle itself h ...
SplineMeshComponent's collision will start to distort the longer the Spline becomes This is a regession. It was working in 4.13.2-3172292 User Description: When drawing out a long spline mesh ( r ...
Sub surface shading model has strange blotch color artifacts when used with ambient cubemap. Since the subsurface profile shading model can't be used with ambient cubemap I wanted to use the regular ...
Geometry in sublevel created with "Load Level Instance" ignores level transform. Other objects, such as Static meshes are affected by the transform. This issue is not a regression. Versions tested: ...