Add the 1.6 integration to 4.13 for release. ...
Crouch node does not appear to have any affect when called. The Is Crouching always returns false ...
Sequencer renders events affecting UMG twice ...
Transition Screen Size doesn't seem to affect when LODActors are added to the level. This was occurring before Dev-Framework's merge into Main at CL 3198987. ...
The wireframe for "r.ShowPrecomputedVisibilityCells 1" is upside down as stated in the UDN. ...
Disabling a shot from scripting will not affect evaluation of the sequence. ...
Lighting only affects tilemaps from one direction. Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.22 CL# 4435744 ...
Play Rate does not affect audio tracks. Slowing the play rate also causes the audio tracks to repeat with an offset. Note: This is working straight from a Sound Wave. If you use a sound cue, the ...
#ifdef and #ifndef have no affect when used in the header file of a class. Ex: #ifndef MYMACRO UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Test) float ANumber; #endif ANumber v ...
Pressed and Normal Padding appears to have no affect on buttons in UMG ...