Retargeting root motion results in the target animation appearing to "slide" on the ground or "hover" as if hanging from the pelvic bone. This has been reported to be fine in 4.9 but multiple users ...
class default value after c++ class compile will temporary initialized. It will be restored when opening the project again. ...
A workaround might be to use the CDO of your plugin to reach out to the Editor settings and assign itself to the fields you want. This removes the users ability to choose between multiple options. ...
(Enduring Games) I investigated it and found that the following primitive data flag test in BasePassPixelShader.usf fails: (GetPrimitiveData(MaterialParameters).Flags & PRIMITIVE_SCENE_DATA_FLAG_DE ...
The CVar "r.Shaders.Optimize" cannot be set to false from DefaultEngine.ini in the section "[ShaderCompiler]" as its help text describes. Also tested on UE5-Main, CL: 34200103 ...
When a Niagara System has SimTarget set to GPUCompute Sim, CameraQuery is only returning data from the Player0 camera, regardless of PlayerControllerIndex. The expected behavior would be to have the ...
The collision of objects moving at high speeds seems to move in front of the object. The faster the object is moving, the further the collision will be from the mesh. AnswerHub report: https://an ...
Physics Constraint no longer constrains conponents that are set to Query Only Regression from 4.11.2 User Description: Testing a 4.12 copy of my 4.11 project and when I tested in editor, all my ...
When Scaling in and out in the UMG blueprints with an image applied to an image widget that is set to border as it's "Draw as" selection the image does not scale correctly. EDIT: The UI should prev ...
Screen Space shadows do not check the view boundary. This can cause extra shadows in split screen, as one view can cast shadows in another view. ...