Removing Pose from a Blend by Enum node can cause compile errors when a float is defining all of the blend times. ...
Calling a Multicast RPC from a Player Controller creates a new Player Controller on the Client. In 4.7.6, this results in a repeating log warning: "LogPlayerController:Warning: Calling IsLocalContro ...
'Greater/Lesser Than or Equal To' nodes do not work consistently with values lower than 1 Note: The issue isn't present with whole numbers (ex: 10 decremented by 1) ...
When blueprints associated with the actorcomponent are open and changes are made to the actorcomponent, once it's compiled there are compiler errors on the indirect blueprints. ...
Not Attached particle system is not seen in the viewport of the editor. This particle will be seen normally when PIE. Regression? Yes. This issue is not reproduced in 4.17 version. You can simply ...
This issue was reported by the licensee, but it's possible that the number of vertices in the particles is higher than it really is. ...
In AbilitySystemComponent_Abilities.cpp, the check for the client being on a different section on line 3059 checks that the RepNextSectionID is not the current section. One would assume this is beca ...
Spring Arm Component causes vehicle to jerk forward and backwards in a multiplayer environment. ...
Blueprint Library plugin set to 'Runtime' doesn't work in Standalone/packaged builds if used inside of the 1st Person Character BP. User Description: Blueprint libraries are still broken in the fi ...
A licensee has reported an inconsistency in how modified base widget class defaults are propagated to children. When modified via the UMG Designer Graph's Class Defaults, derived classes will be mar ...