Character animations are not played in sequence created from Recording First Person Template Follow-up to [Link Removed] ...
Functions called in the destructor are not being called properly. Setting a call to AddOnScreenDebugMessage is displayed at the start of PIE rather than when the actor's destroy is called. ...
A licensee reported trouble with a crash on exit on Mac. They discovered that the file AvfMediaPlayer.cpp, on the function Open there is this piece of code:// Force the AV player to not be able to ...
When using External Data Layers in conjunction with Game Feature Plugins and World Partition levels, removing a Game Feature Action or changing its type to "None" does not remove the associated Exte ...
The Blueprint Diff tool does not highlight properties that have been changed from a previous version of the Blueprint if those properties are contained in a custom nested category. REGRESSION: No. ...
The editor crashes with a failed assertion when opening a blueprint actor that contains a structure with instanced objects. ...
When using Attenuations with MetaSounds, if the Attenuation Shape is Sphere it works as expected. However, other shapes do not work correctly. The sound either becomes deactive or sometimes the soun ...
Constraint Actor to Rig with Editor Utility Widget is working for the first time adding to the Sequencer. However if it was deleted and added to Sequencer again, run Scripted Actor Action shows Err ...
When using a child blueprint that calls a parent blueprints tick and its functions, The event is not being called if you package the project for shipping Win (32-Bit) Pictures of the Parent BP are ...
The 'Set Constrained Components' node doesn't set the physics constraint components correctly if used in the Construction Script. ...