Engine Scalability Settings for Foliage Quality are not applied to foliage meshes automatically. Found in 4.17.2 CL 3658906, 4.18.1 CL 3754814, and 4.19 Main ...
Seems that only the Add Asset Class search option works properly. Tested in 4.19.2 (CL - 4033788), 4.20.1 (CL - 4233996), and 4.21 (CL - 4280116) ...
You are unable to change the filepath for Datasmith Scenes. The '...' box is there for you to select but it does nothing when clicked. This issue happens in both 4.19.2 (0.182) and 4.20.1 (4.20E2) ...
When packaging a project for Windows, Child Widget Blueprints do not inherit bindings. Tested in 4.20.3 (CL - 4369336), 4.21.1 (CL - 4567586), 4.22 (CL - 4572453) ...
Using the Particles.SubImageIndex has no effect on what portions of the a UV are rendered in Niagara. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.1 (CL - 6063286), 4.23 (CL - 6533064) ...
A Crash can occur when setting a skeletal mesh's animation instance to None when it has Update Rate Optimizations enabled. An unverified proposed fix for this is to remove the nullptr check when ...
Updates to dynamic navmesh cause navlinks to reset to their default state. Navigation still shows the path as accessible even though it isn't. This is a regression from 4.23.1 (CL-9631420) where th ...
Parameters are misnamed when adding a new parameter to Map Set in a Niagara Module Script Tested: 4.23.1, 4.24.3 , 4.25 preview, 4.26 (main) ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Changing materials before making a change to a model with cube grid causes that previous selected material to be added to the model ...
For arrays, FPropertyReplicationStateDescriptorBuilder::IsSupportedProperty will set the FMemberProperty's ChangeMaskBits to "1U + FPropertyReplicationState::TArrayElementChangeMaskBits". If the arr ...