Spectator Pawn cannot be added to level by dragging into viewport but can be added by using place actor in the level viewport. Regression: This issue occurs in 4.13.2, 4.14.3, and 4.15.1 of the Bin ...
Packaging failure occurs with nativize blueprints enabled when you have an array of classes and you try to set it with an array from an instance of a native C++ class. Found in 4.15.1. Reproduced i ...
Crash occurs while progressing through the Landscape Overview tutorial, after the step "After pressing the Create Button, your level should now have a Landscape Actor inside of it" This is a regres ...
Unknown by landscape material warning logspam when launching onto Android Also occurs in Main @ CL 3792526 --Reproduces in //UE4/Release-4.18 at CL 3792614 --Reproduces in //UE4/Release-4.18(.1) at ...
Using the gamepad to scroll a scrollbox causes the scrolling to move slower. Tested in 4.18.3(CL - 3832480), 4.19.2 (CL - 4033788), 4.20.1 (CL - 4233996), 4.21 (CL - 4245542) ...
Selecting a Camera Component in the Sequencer window when the level is locked causes the Engine to crash. This was reported and tested in 4.20.1 (CL-4233996). This was reproduced in 4.19.2 (CL-403 ...
REGRESSION: No When deleting a reference variable, any resolve node pins using it will have a picker added, which won't have anything listed in their dropdown. This isn't consistent with what happ ...
Setting up New Relative Rotation with some Static Mesh Actors in the Level Blueprint will have strange results if -90 is used in the Y Relative Rotation. Changing off of -90 will result in normal be ...
As described in the linked UDN, non-replicated components aren't being hooked up properly after an actor goes out & back into relevancy. The proposed fix sounds correct, calling MoveMapedObjectToUnm ...