Child blueprints of a blueprint of a native actor class with sparse data can have an incorrectly null SparseClassDataStruct value, and thus fail to initialzie their SparseClassData. This affects edi ...
Damping is handled differently at lower frame rates. Slight changes in damping at lower FPS (25) drastically effects objects and isn't applied in the same way as at higher FPS (60) User Description ...
Ensure happening on both Linux and Windows when using Vulkan RHI. Editor will Crash on Linux however when map TM-Hair is opened. Not a Regression, TM-Hair and Grooming feature is new to 4.26 and do ...
User reporting seeing this error start appearing in 4.25.1 (possibly 4.25.x, unsure if they were previously testing on 4.25.0 or not). It appears 'benign' as the expected data still gets loaded, bu ...
This appears to be new in 4.25. ...
Currently some (if not all or most) foliage CVars affect both foliage and HISMC. It would be nice to split this so that users can change the values of one without affecting the other. ...
Destructible Mesh does not correctly affect vertex color. ...
When selecting an item in the Property Matrix you cannot deselect. This affects changes you make that are supposed to be across all items selected by making them only affect the item selected. ...
Regression: external owned spawned actors stays in 4.25 & 4.25 plus but it is removed from 4.26P5, 4.26P6, 4.26P7 ...
User is receiving a CrashReportClientEditor has stopped working after launching an existing or new 4.25.1 project. Issue was occurring in 4.25 as well. Unable to reproduce. ...