Soft Object unloads after some time when stored in a Blackboard

UE - AI - Mar 11, 2020

When loading a Soft Object and directly placing the loaded Object into a Blackboard, after about 2 minutes the Object will unload and become null inside the Blackboard. This issue only occurs in a p ...

[AI] ZoneShapes visualization does not reset after selecting another actor

UE - AI - Jul 26, 2023

ZoneShapes do not reset visuals when being de-selected and re-selected. The last piece of the zone shape to be selected will still show as selected when the shape is re-selected, but using the edito ...

Crash in RHIBreadcrumbs during loading of Bundled PSO Cache if capturing an Insights trace on Win64 Development

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Feb 17, 2025

When compiling a PSO, RHI Breadcrumbs can be fed a bad FRHIBreadcrumbNode, resulting in reading random memory and crashing during the recursive node iteration. This only happens when tracing. The i ...

Crash occur package application which set the StringTable

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 14, 2019

Crash occur the packaging application which has the title referencing StringTablem. When lunch the application with editor and standalone, it's not crash. It' not occur 4.20, and crash with 4.21 and ...

Orthographic Camera Preview window does not render materials

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 17, 2015

I am using the orthographic camera preview fairly extensively for making an in-engine Tiling Texture maker. This feature is currently busted since the orthographic camera preview window is rendering ...

DefaultSceneRoot causes Get Actor Bounds to Return 128

UE - Gameplay - Jun 1, 2016

When using the Default Scene Root component in a blueprint with no additional components, the box extent of the Get Actor Bounds node is returning 128,128,128 instead of the expected 0,0,0. If you ...

SpawnActor node evaluates pure inputs twice

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 9, 2017

When the node Spawn Actors from class is used with a pure input (in this case a pure function with a transform output) The result is that it get evaluated twice. In the test project provided a print ...

Event tick not firing when in an actor component that is added to an actor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 22, 2017

When using actor components, if you delete a node, such as event tick and then add it to an actor, even if you modify the component again, such as adding the event tick event back, the component wil ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_PropertyEditor!FObjectPropertyNode::GetValueBaseAddress() | FSequencerObjectChangeListener::OnObjectPostEditChange

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 5, 2017

This is a common crash that has occurred in 4.17.1 and 4.17.2, there are no immediate records of it occurring previously. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash oc ...

If user set ChunkID to a higher value, UpdateManagementDatabase will be very slow

UE - Gameplay - Sep 4, 2018

If user set ChunkID to a high value, the construction process of the database managed by AssetMAnager becomes very long. The cause is the following code in UChunkDependencyInfo :: BuildChunkDepende ...