I've attached a project with the necessary materials that demonstrate this issue. I would expect that just because a Set Material Attributes node is inside a material graph it wouldn't affect the de ...
Particle systems ignore lighting channels - no matter what channel a light is on (even if no channels are selected), it will affect lit particles. Changing lighting channels on the particle itself h ...
SplineMeshComponent's collision will start to distort the longer the Spline becomes This is a regession. It was working in 4.13.2-3172292 User Description: When drawing out a long spline mesh ( r ...
Copying a call to a Custom Event or Function in another Blueprint and pasting it in the Blueprint the Custom Event or Function comes lives in will cause a compile warning or failure. In 4.7.5 it giv ...
Sub surface shading model has strange blotch color artifacts when used with ambient cubemap. Since the subsurface profile shading model can't be used with ambient cubemap I wanted to use the regular ...
Geometry in sublevel created with "Load Level Instance" ignores level transform. Other objects, such as Static meshes are affected by the transform. This issue is not a regression. Versions tested: ...
The project sample Multiplayer Shootout in the Learn tab is crashing on start up with 4.7.4 Crash does not occur on 4.8. Tested by Patrick.D on Main CL-2498147 Pass in 4.7.5 dev. - CKC 2503383 ...
A licensee requested this ticket be entered as a bug report. The pivot vertex snapping functionality has changed and no longer functions as it did in prior versions of the engine. Somewhere the key ...
Child blueprints of a blueprint of a native actor class with sparse data can have an incorrectly null SparseClassDataStruct value, and thus fail to initialzie their SparseClassData. This affects edi ...
From UE4.20, Japanese build output of VisualStudio garbled. Below is a comparison between 4.19 and 4.20. ・4.19.2 1>------ すべてのリビルド開始: プロジェクト:MyProject3, 構成:Development_Editor x64 ------ 1> Clea ...