The attached 105 frame PNG image sequence ( 1920x1080 w/alpha ) crashes the editor in UE 5.3 and 5.4 when played in the media player or in a MediaPlate. The same image sequence does not crash the ...
UDN: A UDN user is reporting that the delete_all_mat ...
After setting Affects Indirect Lighting While Hidden but before saving the level, the emissive contribution persistents through datalayer visibility toggles. This does not appear to occur in PIE, on ...
If a project from UE 4.27 or earlier has a blueprint with a reroute node dangling (no outgoing connection) from a Custom Event Node's delegate pin (red), this blueprint will crash when loaded in UE ...
Lina encountered a crash when importing the attached FBX file with morph targets and animation, and then opening it in the animation editor. I was not able to reproduce this issue in QAGame (her re ...
When changing the variable type of a variable in a struct, it can cause some pins related to arrays of this struct to become disconnected. The project provided was from the Marketplace, entitled "Su ...
Using Straighten Connections shortcut can cause the editor to crash after removing node pins. This appears to be due to GetGraphPinForMenu returning the last pin selected (in this case, the removed ...
If ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder is used with UPaperFlipbook as its class specifier, compiling the code fails with the following error: Error C2664 'void ConstructorHelpers::ValidateObject(UObj ...
When using the inputs of a function, splitting a variable and then changing its variable type does not properly update the node as expected. This occurs with any variable type that can be split. Sav ...