Related UDNs: (2017) [Link Removed] (2015) ...
Regression when using custom stencil with in-editor mobile preview. This does NOT reproduce in MAIN at CL 9730599 ...
Root motion from sub instances is not used when the parent instance is marked as 'Root Motion from Montages Only'. Proposed fix is to modify USkeletalMeshComponent::IsPlayingNetworkedRootMotionMo ...
In packaged projects will crash when an animation blueprint that is nativized loads into a new level. The anim blueprint needs to use the PoseSnapshot node with a FName variable passed before loadin ...
If any skeletal meshes are not displayed, it stops increasing. Allocation count of uniform buffer is stable. added on February 26 Followings are an additional information from licensee. FD3D12 ...
Fatal error "UE_LOG(LogObj, Fatal,TEXT("Renaming an object (%s) on top of an existing object (%s) is not allowed"), *GetFullName(), *ExistingObject->GetFullName());" is hit in UObject::Rename. ...
Setting the resolution of PIE to 4K Ultra HD results in the new PIE window going very far out of the bounds of 4K. If you are using two monitors the PIE window will bleed over a good bit into the ot ...
Licensee says that adding multiple InstancedStaticMeshComponent instances can be very slow (main bottleneck being the physics building). I think there's a good case for a method something like: ...
VoIP between client and host is lost upon transitioning levels. ...
Errors in the log: * Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: * "___isPlatformVersionAtLeast", referenced from: * FMetalResourceHeap::CreateBuffer(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, mtlpp ...