When using Anim dynamics in an animation. The actors affect stop in their current state once the sequence controlling the anim dynamics is closed. They do not appear to reset to their default state ...
Paper2D game using Blueprint Actor with Box Collision and Flipbook Component crashes frequently when loading levels in packaged Development Build. Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 139427 ...
As the attached image shows, there is no problem in 4.25.4, and the process is noticeably slower in 4.26.1. Also, there is no problem in Standalone. The problem occurs only in PIE. ...
When using a line trace in the construction script so that objects can return a value destructible meshes will not return a hit. This does not affect use in game with PIE or Standalone game, but if ...
If something is executed before a SetActorRotation node on Tick inside of a SceneComponent class BP and then added to an Actor class BP, the physics will lag User Description: When using set rotat ...
Listen servers that do not have a microphone hooked up are dropping clients that do have microphones when the client attempts to transmit voice. The log contains the following errors: [2017.03.28- ...
Cannot resize comment box when a new comment is created on top. The resizing affects the bottom right corner. This issue is dependent on how the comment is added if comment 1 is highlighted and a ne ...
Sprites in a particle system flicker/shake when use local space is combined with small velocity values and velocity aligned sprites. Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 13942748), 4.24.3(CL 1 ...
This is a new D3D crash affecting multiple users in 4.14 Preview 1. It is currently the #1 crash in the Preview. Information provided by users:Just pressed create project...Openning QA Game with - ...
This issue only occurs with -audiomixer passed into the Engine (4.23) and in 4.24/4.25 where it is enabled by default. The user tried deactivating and reactivating Time Synth component to pause it ...