This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16, and has been occurring since at least 4.14. It has affected more than 400 unique users, unfortunately they have provided little information. User Des ...
This does not just work with BaseColor, you can affect any of the outputs by connecting something to a disconnected CreateMaterialAttributes. ...
When depth of field is activated in a project running on an iOS 8 device, the project will close to the Home Screen. ...
Light components stay visible if "Actor Hidden In Game" is checked. This issue occurs even when other components (such as a static mesh) are no longer visible. I tested with a static mesh component ...
Launch on to tvOS crashes the app on the device and returns the user to the main screen. This also affects packaged projects Update Project packaged in shipping configuration launched successfully ...
Adjusting properties of a Blueprint instance's components in the level does not update references to the properties in the BP's Construction Script. Note: this would work in 4.8.3. Reproduced in 4. ...
Found on: //UE4/Dev-VR CL-2967563 Often, meshes will render completely black in one eye on the OSVR. This seems to affect close meshes more frequently than far away ones. Sometimes the meshes flick ...
When using a pawn blueprint, you cannot modify the value of a variable in the config files. This issue does not affect other kinds of blueprints, as this issue does not affect actor blueprints. Re ...
User reports that in 4.8 in some cases bodies for Static-mobility ISMC instances are not yet initialized when BeginPlay is called. It seems like deferred creation for level streaming should be com ...
The left hand in the VR template appears to pop as it rotates when assigning the mesh for the motion controller a parent that is a box collision component. This does not appear to affect the right h ...