If the actor is in sublevel and user play simulate or PIE, the actor can't be moved by drag gizmo. Even if under the same conditions, editing transform of detail panel work properly. So I guess that ...
If an actor blueprint contains a Transform variable, setting that blueprint as the child actor component (CAC) of another blueprint / blueprint instance then updating the transform variable in the o ...
From Licensee: In OpenXRHMDModule:473 (UE5.0) or OpenXRHMDModule:497 (UE5.1) the engine is checking if the app is packaged for Oculus Mobile, if it isn't the case the function returns false and the ...
This report was logged due to a high volume of submitted crash reports. It occurs when opening a level where a deleted mesh as being used as foliage. This is a regression. The crash does not occu ...
Components stop reporting overlap after a certain amount of actors are attached Warning Trying to simulate physics on ''/Game/UEDPIE_0_Level1.Level1:PersistentLevel.Cube7.StaticMeshComponent0'' but ...
This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16.2. It is similar to [Link Removed], which was potentially fixed in 4.16.2. Users have not provided any additional information. Source Context 803 ...
From UDN: thanks for your reply. I have attached a very basic scene with a MRQ settings preset. The only thing I have changed in the scene is that I've set the Camera Exposure to manual, as it do ...
After creating the example generator that is displayed at the bottom of the documentation linked below, a crash will occur if the Generated Item Type is set to EnvQueryItemType_Actor (which is the d ...
Build: 4.5.0-2316912 Description: .exe crashes on iPad4 when attempting to draw a 2048x1536 texture to the HUD Frequency: 2/2 Repro: [Reproduced Internally] 1. Download attached texture file. 2. Ope ...
UnkownRef Mips is meant to fix/workaround the problem where some textures are used for rendering but they don't have any component references them (such as texture used by PP effects) These UnkownR ...