To step through the issue, in the -DiffOnly cook add a breakpoint to UChildActorComponent::OnRegister and UChildActorComponent::OnUnregister. It should hit 4 times:Once when LoadPackage loads the ma ...
The following error appears multiple times when compiling the editor on Mac:Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "NvClothDestroyFactory(nv::cloth::Factory*)", referenced from: FC ...
When you are playing a game on PC (especially local multiplayer) many developers want to change how input devices are "mapped" to different players. For example, a single player game might want the ...
Branch Build Label UE4-Main Promoted-CL- 2270796 DESCRIPTION: If a player goes into geometry edit mode and flips a bsp then makes a copy of it the copy will appear invisible ADDITIONAL NOTES: A ... From licensee: "USkinnedMeshComponents have the option to double-buffer their bo ...
In the Animation Montage Editor, NotifyEnd is unexpectedly called when a time marker is in the middle of an AnimNotifyState and the animation preview gets paused. Because the Animation Montage Edito ...
This JIRA is being entered as a result of it being one of the top crashes occurring in 4.13 Preview 1. Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 833] ...
The approximate size for a Static Mesh that is shown in the tooltip from hovering over a Static Mesh in the Content Browser and the approximate size shown in the Static Mesh Editor can be inconsiste ...
Using a Landscape BP brush in a WP map causes SCC validation to fail: [2022.05.13-09.04.47:880][473]SourceControl: Error: Changelist validation failed! [2022.05.13-09.04.47:881][473]SourceControl: ...
UDebugSkelMeshComponent and PreviewInstance are lost current animation asset. There are 2 ways to fix below void UDebugSkelMeshComponent::InitAnim(bool bForceReinit) { // If we already have Pre ...