In 4.18 and 4.19, it is no longer possible to build the ShaderCacheTool. REGRESSION: Yes. The ShaderCacheTool builds successfully in 4.17.2. It looks like the missing MergeShaderCacheFiles property ...
A licensee is trying to use Distribution Float Particle Parameters for the Noise properties of a Beam Particle. When trying to change these parameters in a Blueprint, some work, others don't. When ...
Any child class of UDataAsset (parent) will properly be picked up when the Asset Manager's Asset Base Class" field is set to the appropriate class. However a grandchild class (Child) with the same ...
For comparison, this issue doesn't seem to occur when recreating the setup with Set Material Attributes/GetMaterialAttributes. It seems isolated to the Make/Break nodes. ...
Regression when using custom stencil with in-editor mobile preview. This does NOT reproduce in MAIN at CL 9730599 ...
In the Character Movement Component, setting the Plane Constraint Normal to a value other than default, and then attempting to change the value back to the default does not revert to the default val ...
The math expression node in blueprints does not recognize variables that have been hidden within a blueprint category. ...
Changing the InstancedFoliageGridSize by the WorldPartitionFoliageBuilder commandlet will cause some of the foliage to not load correctly. ...
Assigning a Parent Socket of a component in a child bp also changes that socket for all children and the parent, then resets to the parent default on restart Description: Yesterday i noticed that ...