An access violation occurs in FNiagaraSkeletalMeshRegionBoneFilterDetails::HandleBoneNameComboBoxSelectionChanged() due to StringItem is nullptr. SkeletalMeshRegionCustomization.cpp void FNiagaraS ...
Users can create project with existing name of "Slack" which causes conflict with existing Slack.h. Call stack is log file. ...
When a scene is light with a single Stationary Directional Light and a Single Stationary Skylight and packaged to use Windowed Fullscreen, there is a difference in how the scene is rendered compared ...
Root Motion from Everything doesn't accept Root Motion from Montages in 4.11. This works in 4.10. Can regress down the issue if needed. ...
Light Propagation Volume Occlusion does not affect scene as it should. The workaround in 4.17.2 is to disable DBuffer decals which will enable the Light Propagation Volume Occlusion. Occurs in 4.1 ...
This issue was found from an external user on Twitter using UE5-Early Access - [Link Removed] The crash happens on asset load. User says that they were following Gabriele's video - [Link Removed] ...
Using SceneCapture in packaged VR projects causes poor performance. Also observed with SceneCaptureCube Does not occur in 4.18 ...
If an actor is spawned using game instance blueprint, a packaged .exe will crash upon loading. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...
When unloading a tile of a World Composition map in UE5, a crash occurs when trying to deference a null pointer (World->PersistentLevel->bIsVisible) in FWorldTileModel::FWorldTileModel():// Assign l ...
The editor is crashing in the attached project on PIE when World Origin Rebasing is enabled. According to the user, this did not occur in 4.13, but I was unable to test any further back than 4.15, a ...