Audio spatialization no longer occurs when Non-Spatialized Radius is set above 0 in a sound actor (instance or in a sound cue). I could not reproduce this issue in UE4/Main. ...
When a nanite-enabled mesh with multiple material slots has a masked material applied, nanite may erroneously cull clusters that are still visible. ...
The common animated switcher will currently flicker for one frame when its transition animation completes if global invalidation is enabled. This appears to be caused by a visibility change (HitTest ...
In the Call Stack tab, input events are not listed by their friendly names. Instead they have long names such as InpActEvt_One_K2Node_InputKeyEvent_2. This is different from Actor Events that simp ...
The top material function was placed in a graph directly. The second was generating by copying the first node. Note that the input pins changed color which indicates that each input on the new modul ...
This issue occurs with the Additive and Alpha Holdout settings. ...
Reproduced 3/3 times. Issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. ...
DoesSocketExist always returns false for Sprites in a Flipbook, whether there is a socket on any/all of the Sprites or not. Note: GetSocketLocation seems to work fine, indicating that it is reading ...
Add, Multiply, Subtract and Divide Nodes in the Material Editor are not longer updating on input but on the next node added to the Material. Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2541904 [Link Rem ...