Issue was noticed by Grayson in For.tnite/Main. Regression: No this occurred similarly in 4.27 still not 100% repro but some modification in sequence triggered toggling the mute track ...
Shadows cast on a translucent forward shaded materials renders with jagged edges. In 4.27 the edges are different with some jagged points only those points are not as prominent. [Link Removed] ...
Occurs 3/3 Times *Regression *does occur: Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27.2 @ CL18319896 and all frames were able to be deleted from the Aim_Space_Hip Animation sequence. ...
When attaching a Render Target to SceneCapture2D the user is shown a checkerboard instead of the capture. The sample image shows the capture but not when it's opened. This also occurs in UE 4.27 ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896. The crash occurred. Crash occurs while replacing a Widget Component with a user created Text Block blueprint. ...
Reproduced 6/6 times. This seems to affect all "Set" functions for Geometry Collection Components, such as Setting Object Type from Static to Dynamic, or changing Collision Type. ...
Calling the teleport node after the Add Movement Input nodes affects movement by preventing the character's capsule from updating, causing the mesh to hit the top of the capsule during the jump anim ...
The location give by the Get hit result under finger by channel appears to be affected by screen size on Mac. When clicking an area in the level, it does not always return the area under the finger ...
You can add a pass-by-reference input variable to an Event Dispatcher, but it will will result in compile warnings, and changes to that input will not affect the value of the variable in the caller. ...
In 4.23, Setting a dynamic collection to the collection filter slot does not display any result. And there are no information about dynamic collection doesn't work in collection filter. (FCollectio ...