The TextExportTransient can be specified as a property flag and object flag. Behavior is inconsistent: there are many ways in which an object marked TextExportTransient can still be part of the text ...
Virtual Shadow Maps do not invalidate pages when HLODs replace meshes. This can lead to inconsistencies between the geometry and the shadows, which can cause artifacts as pages are invalidated. ...
IAssetRegistry::GetChecked().ScanPathsSynchronous() now eventually calls FPathExistence::LoadExistenceData and logs the errorFPathExistence failed to gather correct capitalization from disk for <p ...
A GameplayTagQuery in an ActorComponent cannot be properly edited on instances of an actor with said component. There is a workaround, but the issue makes editing Tag Queries rather annoying, doubl ...
If you have; BP_Foo, that has a ChildActorComponent of BP_Bar, and you set the Mobility of BP_Bar to Moveable, then place BP_Foo in a level and cook it. BP_Bar will end up at origin with a static at ...
The editor might crash when stopping PIE in some scenarios ...
UDN description:When landscape is flagged as Nanite enabled but nanite mesh has not been built yet, a save operation (or an auto save) triggers a fatal failed check in ULandscapeNaniteComponent::Ini ...
When using a created tool of the ScriptableTool plugin, and setting an InstanceEditable variable, the tool might get close. For this to happen, we need to have a ToolPropertySet attached to the too ...
A note from the user, seems like they have a fix for this already I've changed the type of UGameplayDebuggerConfig::ActivationKey to FInputChord and with ony small changes to surrounding code it ...
From PCGVolume.cpp: PCGComponent = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UPCGComponent>(this, TEXT("PCG Component")); The Component name with a space does not support a round trip through FSof ...