This may possibly be due to FReplicationWriter::CanSendObject waiting for CreateConfirmation. ...
Blueprints might get into a corrupted state when they are inherited for a big number of times. Starting from a C++ class, if you then create a BlueprintClass from the C++ class, and keep creating ne ...
This behavior was not observed up to UE 4.19, but it can be reproduced in all versions from 4.20 to 5.4. When a "Literal Enum" node is used inside a blueprint and an enumeration value is chosen fro ...
When exporting a Cinematic Camera as FBX and importing it back, all transforms and Camera view are shifted. This happens when in Level Sequence Actor has the property "Transform Origin Actor" set to ...
Refraction does not adjust the scene depth texture, leading to a mismatch between Scene Color samples and Scene Depth samples. ...
See linked UDN for more info. This issue was reported for Iris, but I believe package map errors occur in the current replication system as well. ...
You will hit the ensure condition: LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: !SeenPaths.Contains(CurrentPath) in Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Misc\RedirectCollector.cpp] [Line ...
Based on the licensee's report, the crash seems to be occurring due to the WorldDataLayers actor, and setting this actor to never be dormant seems to resolve the issue. ...