Landscape Mode automatically turns on game view in the level Viewport. Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur 4.13.2 ...
White artifacts appear when you have a stationary directional light in your scene with default settings that is casting a shadow, and a skeletal mesh is in that shadow after baking lighting. You wi ...
When the landscape has no textures the landscape layer blend material node will render as the first layer. When painting only holes onto the landscape, the landscape will have a layer texture but st ...
When a blueprint calls for 'update instance transform' the scaling and location value doesn't actually work. ...
The Bolts library is not correctly linked in its Build.cs file. The Build.cs file contains the following line with an incorrect file name: PublicAdditionalShadowFiles.Add(LibDir + "/Bolts.a"); The ...
The editor crashes when the Count parameter passed into the Mid function is < 0. There is an assertion check(Count >= 0); in FString Mid in UnrealString.h, but an error message would be expected ...
In BaseEngine.ini,Comment says "DerivedDataBackendGraph is the default graph" - this information needs to be updated to mention that launcher installs of the engine would use "InstalledDerivedDataB ...
RawDataCurve is still saved in cooked builds even though it isn't needed ...
Crash when placing a number >= 922337181697 in to a From Seconds node and print them to the screen ...