Adding a new key inside a LevelSequence that changes the AnimationMode of a SkeletalMesh to "Use Animation Asset" can bug out the AnimationMode constantly change between "UseCustomMode" and "UseAnim ...
Primarily visible at very low internal resolutions (25-33%), the SSS checkerboard with an RGB scene colour format (r.SceneColorFormat 3) causes a double-image artefact both internally and on the sil ...
When an NPC asset is duplicated, the ne wasset gets incorrectly duplicated parameters: one set with the correct names, and one set with the original namespace prefix embedded into the names. These i ...
When an MPC is selected as the Source Material Collection for an NPC, all of its current parameters are carried over to the NPC with their current values. After that, if parameters are added to, rem ...
There is a crash that will occur when an empty Anim composite asset is being referenced in the Mesh component attached to a BP actor within a level sequence. Crash also occurs in Live 5.4.4 - not a ...
It was mentioned that the global invalidation should be toggled off during loading screen and subsequently restore the state after. A request was made for this dynamic behavior be part of the engin ...
When using "ConstructTexture2D" from a render target that uses the format PF_R16F (RTF_R16F) the output texture won't retain the format and will become a four channel float texture. The texture for ...
Changing the Global Time Dilation to a very small value and returning it to a large value (by either using the slomo console command or directly in BP - slomo sets TimeDilation) makes Physics simula ...