A dark square appears in the direction of a spotlight on hair when the spotlight has no shadow. [Image Removed] In UE 5.4 the dark square is visible when the spotlight has no shadow, and a light s ...
With Iris enabled, the ItemMap is populated correctly only on the next frame, but it is empty during the callback. This differs from the behavior of the current system, where the ItemMap is populat ...
CL23957356 changes how to calculate FrameOffset in FNiagaraSystemUpdateDesiredAgeExecutionToken::Execute(). After this change, DesiredAge + FrameOffset could be 0.0 for some a couple of initial fram ...
FSuggestProjectileVelocityParameters was introduced in 5.4 and has a FCollisionResponseParams member that's initialized as a mutable reference to FCollisionResponseParams::DefaultResponseParam. str ...
The Preview text display in the Font Editor does not apply the Sub-Font family settings. Only the Default Font Family and Fallback Font Family can be applied to the display. ...
When specifying a widget of a different size than the screen in FReply::LockMouseToWidget, the cursor is locked to a different position in native full screen mode. It appears that the window size n ...
If any SlowTask is canceled by the Editor's user, and later on the "Find in Blueprints" dialog is opened and needs to perform its async indexing task, the Editor crashes on thread FAsyncSearchIndexT ...
Materials using EyeAdaptationInverse may render incorrectly when debug visualizations are active. This issue can be resolved by modifying the EyeAdaptionInverse function in EyeAdaptionCommon.us ...
The user also describes not being able to tell the difference between a force feedback value of 0.3 and 1,0 on iPhones Note: This is likely an issue somewhere in FIOSInputInterface::SetForceFeedb ...
UDN Description: We are having issues with the "Create Blocking Volume" tool on StaticMeshActors. When we create a convex blocking volume (any convex, rough or heavy), we often have volumes that ha ...