A licensee has complained that if you assign a preview mesh to a Material Instance, it becomes a referenced asset, so migrating that MatInst will also migrate that mesh and whatever material is assi ...
The backgrounds for the interactive buttons have seemingly scaled down in the 4.13 engine version. The button icon themselves seem to have been unaffected. Screenshot comparisons included ...
FBX objects with "ncl1" suffix conflict with "Combine Meshes" disabled I've found that you can name objects with identical names(For example, "Test") in 3DS Max or Maya (they must be under differe ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: !bIsReentrant [L ...
A separate new flag should be used to control the sweep behavior of characters using Nav Walking behavior in CharacterMovementComponent. Existing assets should upgrade to set the value of this new f ...
Lines are not drawn correctly when calling the Draw Lines node in blueprints when playing in Standalone mode. Regression? Yes, I ran the same test in 4.9.2 and 4.10.4, and the issue did not occur i ...
Long messages/errors cannot be read in the Message Log because there is no text wrap and no horizontal scroll bar to access the remainder of the message. Edit MattK: Needs word wrap imo. ...
Console commands executed in New Editor Window cause a hard crash on projects that use Allegorithmic plugin (ie. Substance Atlantis). ...
Lower volume sounds often start off at the original volume level for a second. I tested this on Android and iOS. Only the Android device showed this type of behavior. ...
The feet are broken on Jog_Lt_Rifle animation in the AnimStarter Pack User says that this Animation also doesn't loop very well...and while he does kind of jerk his body a bit on the loop, I don't ...