Deleting an actor that has soft references to it will not trigger a message box to confirm the deletion nor provide the list of other actors that reference it unless they are dirty. ...
As with shader compilation, some third-party plugins need to accumulate information about all UObjects cooked in a cook session, and write their data to a database at the end of the cook; the databa ...
From licensee: The streaming bounds of an instantiated level instances are incorrect in the world partition editor. When the bounds are computed for a level instance during FLevelInstanceActorDe ...
This is a quality-of-life issue for UE users. The issue was also detailed by the UDN user in a video in the linked UDN case. The Blueprint Editor provides an "Override Function" functionality in th ...
The FLinearColor implementation for FVulkanDynamicRHI is incorrect. FLinearColor stores 32 bit floats in linear space, while FColor stores 8 bit integers encoded with sRGB applied. The implementatio ...
UAssetManager::ChangeBundleStateForPrimaryAssets allows adding new BundleNames to the list of BundleNames loaded for a PrimaryAssetId. Each BundleName specifies a BundleEntry with a list of assets. ...
Animations can't be played with Sequencer via slot nodes in linked anim graphs when an additive/layered FK Control Rig is active. This is because adding an FK Control Rig changes the anim instance ...