TimeSynth 96KHz music clips only play for a split second and then stop. 48KHz files play correctly however 96KHz 16-bit and 24-bit files do not This was reported and tested in 4.25 (CL-13144385) an ...
Public facing bug report came in describing that lights shafts were missing from all lights except directional. This issue does not seem to be occurring for 4.24 or 4.26. I was able to confirm that ...
DLC download is working as expected but opening a map with anim sequence which is located at DLC's pak file will lead to crash in iOS. ...
Steam fails to initialize when using the steamclient file SteamCMDLogLoad: Game class is 'ShooterGame_FreeForAll' LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: Steam LogOnline: Verbose: ...
The base implementation of UObject::GetLifetimeReplicatedProperties doesn't check to see if its class is a blueprint-generated class and add its properties, like UActorComponent::GetLifetimeReplicat ...
If a parent blueprint has data that is used by asset registry tags such as the AssetBundleData, any child blueprints that derive from it will use that in their exported tags. If the parent blueprint ...