Switching raytracing console variable in runtime can crash engine.

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - May 13, 2020

Licensee reported that is caused by missing ECVF_RenderThreadSafe flag in these console variable definitions. r.RayTracing.Shadows r.RayTracing.AmbientOcclusion r.RayTracing.Reflections Here is a ...

Make staticmesh custom LOD coexist with LODGroup

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - CAD - May 13, 2020

The LOD Group is remove if we import a custom LOD for one of the generated LOD. This can be difficult when user change the LOD group setting later in the production, has the LODs that was regenerate ...

EditCondition doesn't work on C-arrays

Tools - May 13, 2020

Toggling a bool doesn't enable/disable the elements of the array similarly to how it does for TArray in the details panel. Static arrays should have the same semantics as TArray with regards to edit ...

Crash occurs loading a sublevel containing landscape with ray tracing enabled

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 13, 2020

In raytracing enabled, When loading a sublevel containing landscape with LoadStreamLevel function following error is shown. Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr [Link Removed] [Line: 584] Licensee re ...

Depth buffer collision kills all particles after 1 second

UE - Niagara - May 12, 2020

Somehow the namespace broke between the collision and the trace modules. [Image Removed] [Image Removed] ...

Crash calling destroy actor for Geometry Collection while it's simulating

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - May 12, 2020

Crash occurs when user call Destroy Actor on a Geometry Collection Actor. This seems to only occur while the actor is simulating. If called while on the ground, it doesn't seem to occur. ...

Regular UMG Widgets can be reparented to editor widgets but do not work.

Tools - May 11, 2020

This may just need to be closed, we may not be able to control this at such a level.  This really comes up more than you would guess.  I think almost everyone has made a widget, wanted to call Edito ...

Steam API is disabled when playing in Standalone Game

UE - Online - May 11, 2020

The Steam API is disabled when playing a Standalone Game that was started using the Play button. REGRESSION: Yes Worked: 4.24.3 Binary CL-11590231 Broken: 4.25 Binary CL-13261010 I do not see this ...

UDelegateProperty define missing in DefineUPropertyMacros.h

UE - Foundation - Core - May 11, 2020

The following code should be added in defineUPropertyMacros.h #ifndef UDelegateProperty #define UDelegateProperty DEPRECATED_MACRO(4.25, "UDelegateProperty has been renamed to FDelegateProperty") F ...

Source Won't Build - UnrealInsightsCLI.cpp References Missing Header

UE - Foundation - Core - May 11, 2020

Line 9 in https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/4.25/Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealInsightsCLI/Private/UnrealInsightsCLI.cpp is '#include "TraceServices/SessionService.h" which used to be lo ...