When using materials with CustomData inputs, such as the Eye material with Iris Distance and Mask, Virtual Texture samples will increase the instruction count for each unique VTPageResult. Each cus ...
When there is a physical material mask asset that has been created and applied to a mesh in the level without having a texture source imported yet, and then "ShowFlag.PhysicalMaterialMasks" is enabl ...
When multiple render commands are enqueued before the graph task runs for a prior enqueued command, the new commands will be put into the Queue for the task to run and no context is captured. When t ...
The following code can often be found in UNiagaraDataInterfaceChaosDestruction.const int32 ParticleID = ParticleIDParam.GetAndAdvance() - LastSpawnedPointID + 1; The LastSpawnedPointID is usual ...
If the GeometryCollectionActor (GCA) is simulating physics, calling SetSimulatePhysics(false) does not stop the simulation. If the simulation is paused, calling SetSimulatePhysics(true) does as expe ...