It seems that Particle CPU cost highly increase at second "show" of a streaming level. The Licensee's team sent a sample to reproduce this problem. So I put the project and wrote how to reproduce on ...
The editor will crash when using "Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class" for actors that the root component is not tagged as a BlueprintSpawnableComponent. ...
I was testing launch on test for mac and wanted to see if the full screen works properly as there were issues with that before. I discovered that after selecting full screen, I was not able to move ...
Using the Delete Unused Variables option under the Edit tab of a blueprint does not remove local variables. Instead, it displays a "All variables are in use" error. Occurs in 4.9.2 and 4.8.3 binar ...
A licensee is noticing that a heavy use of the Collections system to categorize assets is causing a lot of unnecessary source control operations and generating a lot of noise for their logs. Rather ...
REGRESSION: Maybe (had one occurring of it happening in 4.13.2) When playing with multiple players at the same time in a networked session, it's possible if rare to have characters spawn so they st ...
Duplicating a group of overlapping stationary lights that produces the red 'X', and setting the copied group to 'Static' or 'Movable' will maintain the red 'X' on one of the light components. Note ...
When using the Viewport Gets HMD Control option in the Editor Preferences, the Vive does not seem to be able to control the viewport camera, which is what would be expected. ...
If you have a windows username with a special character (in this case, it was ^), the launcher will not allow you to create a new project, and a warning appears indicating that the path cannot conta ...
Projectiles do not register collision components if collision is not set as the root of the actor in the components pane. ...