The Ambient Cubemap assignment in a Post Process Volume doesn't work when using the Forward Renderer. I want to note that Cubemap assignment in the Skylight does work. I checked this just to make s ...
Changing the volume of the Master sound class does not propogate to children when using the 'Set Sound Mix Class Override' node within blueprints. ...
When launching Gear VR game on Android the first frame will render as Non-Stereo before flashing to be in stereo mode. This was not happening when tested with a 4.8 project. Tested in MAIN on CL-2 ...
A crash occurs when importing any SpeedTree asset with the default import settings. The user reporting the issue says "the crash occurs if I have import WIND AND SMOOTH LOD checked like the default ...
French AZERTY keyboard does not recognize ù, £, §, ^, _, ', or ² keys ...
When using Get Random Reachable Point in Radius and spawning instanced static meshes on those points, it returns a similar pattern almost every time with an L-shape in the center along with a dense ...
Actors attached to a Child Actor Component do not replicate movement on the Client. User's test project attached. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main (CL 2735029) ...
When importing assets in the content browser only one asset can be selected at a time. Ctrl+LMB does not select more than one asset. Shift+LMB does not select a group of assets. ...
Texture Compression Quality vs. Speed settings menu description and Tooltip do not match. ...