When enabling the Metal Desktop Forward Renderer on iOS, Directional Light's with Light Shaft Bloom enabled will cause full screen graphics corruption when looking at the light source. ...
ProjectWorldToScreen always returns true. User states: "This probably comes from that line of code : bResult = Player->PostProcessWorldToScreen(WorldPosition, ScreenPosition, bPlayerViewportRelati ...
[Link Removed] ...
Updated name of sublevel leads to crash when it is about to be loaded. ...
Not a critical bug but add unnecessary workload since the user found himself constantly checking Yaw values. ...
The rotate around point module no longer adds in particle position, so it does not account for other forces and modules effecting the particles, and will only spin in a circle by default. The user c ...
When look at stats in Unreal Frontend, can see the events that run in the function. It work in 4.21, but it doesn't work in 4.22. ...
Enabling "Restore Open Assets Tabs on Restart" doesn't reopen asset tabs when opening a project . Found in 4.24 CL#10570792 Reproduced in 4.25 CL#10719465 ...
Overlapping lightmaps are generated when the LOD group is not the default. Setting the LOD group to None and rebuilding lighting doesn't have the same result. Found in 4.24 CL# 10570792 Reproduced ...