The changes made to the values for a transform variable setup in a blueprint will not show up in a child BP until the yellow arrows is pressed to reset to default. Other variable types update autom ...
If a player on a dedicated server attempts to possess a feshly spawned pawn, the blueprint must have an unpossess node just before the possess node to be able to possess the pawn. This is not the ca ...
In the Skeletal Mesh editor, turning Show>Clothing>Apply Wind while switching tabs causes a crash. For example, turn it on while in the Mesh tab. Switch to Animation Tab and then back to Mesh. Turn ...
With 'Use Small Toolbar Icons' checked in the 'Editor Preferences', the 'Back' button within the 'Project Launcher' disappears. The expected would for the button to get smaller and not vanish entir ...
As the title suggests, whenever you add a Sound Cue or Wave to a level and set it's 'Falloff Distance' to 0.0 the sound will no long play. I have attached a project to provide a simple regression t ...
The Material Fucntion CylindricalUVs is missing the Object Position node ADDITIONAL NOTES: You can see the UVs wrapping around 0,0,0 without the position node attached, instead of the mesh's pos ...
Particle Sprites will jump forward in level when engine delta time stutters due to a instant pushed rendering queue. [Link Removed] ...
If you make the Directional light in a level movable and then deploy to an Android device, the Shadows in the level will appear reversed when you glance around the level. Tested on a Nexus 5. Te ...
See repro steps. Workaround Unset and set bIsFocusable on widget's class will allow bIsFocusable to be set and persist on the nested instance. ...
Users custom AI project crashes if anything is Built. (All, Lighting, Geometry, etc.) The project can be played but receives a message during play that the Navmesh needs to be rebuilt. ...