CustomNearClippingPlane of UCineCameraComponent is new property in 5.1, but if use change this, it will also be reflected in the normal CameraComponent's NearClip. This is because the PerspectiveNe ...
Android projects in 4.22.1 crash on launch with Vulkan enabled. Did NOT reproduce in 4.23 MAIN at CL 6156332 4.22.1 release CL is the same as a related fix for this ( [Link Removed] ) ...
It was reported that the same foliage scene between beta1 and beta2 had a big loss in performance. We need to investigate the cause as it seems related to a vegetation re-work effort to improve qual ...
When testing networked multiplayer with two controllers, if the server window (editor) has focus, controller 1 controls the server character and controller 2 controls the client character. If the c ...
The Imported Destructible Mesh chucks are not to scale when compared the original mesh and appear much larger. This was reported and tested in 4.23.1 (CL-9631420). This was reproduced in 4.24.3 (CL ...
When modifying the value of "Auto Success Range from Last Seen Location" to a value that is not it's default, you can not set it back to its default -1 one value. This was reported and tested in 4 ...
Regression: Nanite Foliage is a new feature in 5.1, so this issue is not reproduceable in 5.0. Notes about this new support can be found under Nanite Improvements in ...
FAnimNode_BlendListByEnum assumes that values within a custom enum type are sequential (ie. the index 0 = value 0, index 1 = value 1). But this is not true of all custom enum types, for example: U ...
When a list view item in UMG is selected using "Set Item Selection" it will get the item of the first entry in the list or the last entry manually selected by the user. The correct item display nam ...
Struct array variables interpret multiple Structs as the same if they have the same values. This does not occur if the values in the Structs added to the array are different. Test project in 4.8.1 ...