For map placed blueprint actors with components with property modifications, when triggering Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default from the actor instance's Details panel, any components with ...
When changing the Orientation in the iOS settings to Portrait and Upside Down, the splash screen will still appear in the landscape orientation when the project opens. this issue will only occur on ...
When working in the "Landscape" editor mode, in both the "New" and "Import" tools, it is possible to import a single heightmap, as well as a weightmap for each layer. Each of these maps can come fro ...
The splash screen on the iPhone 6s is stretched when loading. Tested alongside the iPhone 5s and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for comparison. The stretching only occurs on the 6s. iPhone 6s: 6240_iPho ...
When setting the Spin box delta to 1 and the slider exponent to 1 the value of the spine box should go up by 1s. However, the actual value is still retains decimal points and is rounded to show whol ...
Reported by client in SF [Link Removed] When importing an obj file, Twinmotion hands during the import. This only occurs in 2023.2.1 and does not occur in the 2023.1.2 version or earlier. Was able ...
In C++, arithmetic operators * and / have the same priority and therefore should be resolved left to right. In this case, * is being resolved first and / second. 1/128*128 and (1/128)*128 should p ...
When the RenderDoc plugin is installed with raytracing enabled shadows don't render correctly. Found in 4.24.1 CL#10757647 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9631420, 4.25 Main CL#11087956 ...
CustomNearClippingPlane of UCineCameraComponent is new property in 5.1, but if use change this, it will also be reflected in the normal CameraComponent's NearClip. This is because the PerspectiveNe ...
Android projects in 4.22.1 crash on launch with Vulkan enabled. Did NOT reproduce in 4.23 MAIN at CL 6156332 4.22.1 release CL is the same as a related fix for this ( [Link Removed] ) ...