A UDistributionFloat property is reset to NULL when compiling a Blueprint sub-class of a C++ class that has a UDistributionFloat property. ...
Skeletal mesh's physics collision lag behind the actual mesh. It didn't matter if there was just a root bone or multiple bones/constraints. This doesn't happen when using static meshes. The effect ...
The Debug Focus Plane in the CineCameraActor does not appropriately respond to mouse input and position when the Manual Focus Distance is set using the eye-dropper. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), ...
In Action Rpg sample, creating a new Blueprint of type GameplayCueNotifyActor or GameplayCueNotifyStatic, results in an Engine crash. The call stack leads to a PrintF Slate warning message that woul ...
Crash occurs when the user renames a nested struct member variable while there's a struct pin split in a blueprint. ...
After staring a new, blank project, and adding a generic blueprint actor, the editor crashes after you add a "Get Landscape Material" Proxy to the event graph within the blueprint. ...
If the static mesh has UseSimpleCollisionAsComplex and does not have any SimpleCollision shapes, The physics actor will be destroyed immediately in FInitBodiesHelperBase::CreateShapesAndActors, but ...
When deactivating a reverb, it's removed from the Activated List, but doesn't get removed from being the active reverb. Confirmed occurs in 4.27 and 5.0 ...