When a specific configuration of HDR cvars are set, PIE in a New Editor Window will not render the game world. Settings (For DefaultEngine.ini): ```[SystemSettings] r.AllowHDR=1 r.HDR.Display.Color ...
SplineMeshComponent's collision will start to distort the longer the Spline becomes This is a regession. It was working in 4.13.2-3172292 User Description: When drawing out a long spline mesh ( r ...
Color and Opacity animation option does not play for Button component, this occurs both in the Widget editor and during play. This issue is not a regression Versions Tested: 4.16.3 - CL: 3561208 - ...
These delays appear with large Landscapes (for example 8029 x 8029) . The delays only start occurring after the level is saved and reopened. After which PIE start times will be 5 to 15 times longer ...
When upgrading a project to 4.15 (in my case from 4.14.3), the colors seem to have shifted in contrast/saturation. It is not a huge difference, but noticeable enough to affect the overall result of ...
Licensee reports: Dug into this further and our iOS devices aren't receiving any of the handshake messages sent by the Session Frontend (or any other UDP messages for that matter) because multicast ...
Using the GameplayTags module in a code project created with the binary version of the Engine results in a build failure in Visual Studio. The following error is shown: 1> D:/Epic Games/4.7/Engine ...
DESCRIPTION: When importing a mesh created with Maya then saving, closing, and reopening the editor, if you add a LOD via the right mouse menu or mesh editor will result in the LOD importing -90 rot ...
This is simple, but maybe hard to explain, so hear with me. I've attached a sample project and Repro Steps below in case it's not clear. Basically: 1. Make BP_Parent with an unassigned Mesh (Stati ...
I've attached a project with the necessary materials that demonstrate this issue. I would expect that just because a Set Material Attributes node is inside a material graph it wouldn't affect the de ...