The editor is crashing when attempting to use the RestartLevel command if the GameInstance contains a reference to an actor that is in a streaming level. The streaming level must be loaded, but not ...
A crash occurs when you add/drag a skeletal mesh with Apex clothing into the scene. The user reporting the issue managed to find where the crash occurs and added a comment for assistance where to lo ...
The engine crashes when simulating in the editor after painting foliage instances using the Foliage Tool. An important thing to note is that this crash does not occur if you switch out of the 'Foli ...
When uploading ETC2 packages to Google Play Store, it shows that 10712 devices were removed as supported devices and 332 remain. They did state in their AnswerHub that the unsupported devices still ...
FOnlineSessionLive::CreateSession creates the session early into the method. Later, the method can fail but the session and is never cleared up (see the various catch statements in the tasks which o ...
Reparenting a widget within it's own event can cause that widget's tree to have null references instead of references to slate widgets. This happens because when a widget is reparented, we remove a ...
Ensure occurs when the user triggers a redirected gameplay tag call at runtime. This doesn't seem to occur if the redirect is removed. Test Project: [Link Removed] ...
While sculpting (holding left mouse button) if you press the right mouse button the brush will disappear. The brush will remain hidden while sculpting until the right mouse button is pressed once ag ...
Possessing a pawn on a second client while using a dedicated server prevents the pawn from moving until net.shareshadowstate is set to false. This appears to be a regression. I was not able to repr ...
In a blend space or aim offset, there's no clear indication which grid stretch mode is enabled when clicking the button in the grid (aside from looking at the tooltip when hovering over the button). ...