When a Clean is performed on a code project that uses a binary Engine installation on a Mac, some of the Engine's .dylib files are removed during the Clean process. A Clean process for a project usi ...
Enabling the HAP Media player plugin permanently affects the thinned Play Rates of the Media Player asset. Tested in 4.23.1 (CL - 9631420), 4.24.0 (CL - 10091930), 4.25 (CL - 10091038) ...
From licensee: "[...] it seems that regardless of our settings and how far away the control spline is from the landscape edge, one corner of the landscape will always be impacted by the falloff and ...
Axis Scale changes made in Project Settings > Input are ignored in PIE with Dedicated Server enabled. Does not occur while Dedicated Serve is disabled. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8.0, and Main (//depot ...
Using the down arrow key in the Toolbar's Blueprints > Open Blueprint Class sub-menu will immediately open the first Blueprint listed. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.10 Preview 1 binary, and Main (C ...
Variables can no longer be set as a DataTableRowHandle type. The option is no longer available in the Variable Type dropdown. This is a regression: this was possible in 4.7.6. Reproduced in 4.8.3 b ...
In Persona or the Static Mesh Editor, some post processing features do not update immediately when the user changes them. This was seen with Color Grading and Lens Flare settings. It could affect ...
Certain particle effects in ContentExamples stop playing when looked at from a specific angle. The affected demos are 2.1, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.7 Seen on an Nvidia MacbookPro and AMD MacPro Does not o ...
When you duplicate a Parameter in a Material Parameter Collection instead of adding a new Parameter, the duplicated parameter always returns the same results as the source no matter the value entere ...
When you try to use the console command "demorec" to record a demo in PIE, a crash occurs. Note: This did not occur in 4.8.3 but another crash happened when trying to run the "demoplay" console com ...