Adding a C++ CameraComponent to the Vehicle in the Vehicle C++ template causes compilation errors.

Docs - Samples - Jun 14, 2016

When adding a C++ component based off Camera Component to the vehicle BP in the C++ Vehicle template, the code will fail to compile. Error message: D:\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine ...

GetOverlappingComponents does not work on Mobile

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 13, 2016

The GetOverlappingComponents node isn't working correctly on mobile devices. It seems like it may only not be registering components that are spawned at runtime, as it does change the number of over ...

Create Comment from Selection Option Not Working in Behavior Tree

Tools - Jun 8, 2016

In a behavior tree, while having multiple nodes selected, using the Create Comment from Selection option does not create a comment box as expected. Found in 4.12.1 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 bina ...

Crash When Copying Comment Box from a Blueprint to a Behavior Tree

UE - AI - Jun 8, 2016

The editor crashes when pasting a comment box from a blueprint into a behavior tree. Found in 4.12.1 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary and Main CL 3005971 Source Context94 95 fo ...

AI Perception Peripheral Vision Angle Degrees Being Doubled

UE - AI - Jun 7, 2016

Any value that is set for Peripheral Vision Angle Degrees in an AI Perception component's Sight config is doubled. This does not occur with the PawnSensing component, which is inconsistent behavio ...

Attempting to build MinidumpDiagnostics with Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 results in failure

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 7, 2016

When attempting to build the Minidump Diagnostics project from the UE4 source, it will fail if you're using Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. Please note that this does not occur in the base VS2015 or wi ...

Cannot Add Elements to AIPerceptionStimuliSource's Register as Source on an Instance in the Level

UE - AI - Jun 7, 2016

When attempting to add an element to the Register as Source for Senses on an instance of a blueprint in the level, the + button has no effect. Clicking the button does not add an element. This work ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!TScopedPointer<FStaticMeshRenderData>::operator->() [scopedpointer.h:74]

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 6, 2016

Log showing the issue is caused by a reimport: This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the hi ...

Editing Struct variable types can cause pins of an array of that struct to become disconnected

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 6, 2016

When changing the variable type of a variable in a struct, it can cause some pins related to arrays of this struct to become disconnected. The project provided was from the Marketplace, entitled "Su ...

Set World Scale 3D on Attached Actor Allows Character to Jump Through Collision

UE - Gameplay - Jun 6, 2016

The collision of the cube static mesh is not blocking the character after Setting World Scale 3D while it is attached to another actor using the AttachToActor node. ...