Ensure condition fires as described in reproduction steps when using a Data Layer track in Sequencer with 'Keep State'. ...
Performance decreases quite a bit on characters with large number of morph targets, as soon as even one target is active. ...
This is actually a bug with function duplication via UEdGraphSchema_K2::DuplicateGraph. After a function graph is duplicated, the function entry node still retains the same GUIDs for its local vari ...
Emissive textures seem to be set correctly in the case of building HLOD in the world partition. However, licensees who do not use World partition seem to build HLOD with HLOD Outliner. [Image Remov ...
WorldPartionActorDescs will be restored to the correct properties when resaved. They can also be fixed by the WorldPartitionResaveActorsBuilder commandlet. ...
If attaches a StaticMeshComponent with collision active to another actor with a SkeletalMeshComponent simulating physics by socket name the StaticMeshComponent miss collision for simulation. Chec ...
Vehicle wheel shapes on the server appear to detach from the vehicle and remain at their spawn point when running a networked game. The clients physics representation is ok and as expected, i.e. whe ...
When creating a UserWidget and creating a process to receive input events with Enhanced Input, input events may be generated multiple times in duplicate. To reproduce this problem, create a Widget a ...
anim blueprint hangs when compiled. Probably a cyclic issue when compiling. A workaround is to add a delay of any time between the set node and the Draw Debug Sphere node. Repros in the following v ...