When adding a variable of collision profile name type to an actor(as editable), its value gets reset when the instance becomes a part of multiple selection. ...
Users are not able to play a Demo in PIE using the Execute Console Command node to run the demoplay command. The following warning spams the output log while the demo is still trying to open:LogWor ...
Unable to input IME text in widget component, but able to input IME text in textbox like UMG designer. It works fine until 4.21, however it wasn't able to work after 4.22. Workaround: void FSla ...
In UTakeRecorderActorSource::EnsureObjectTemplateHasComponent() function, MakeUniqueObjectName() generates the same name of a component which CachedObjectTemplate for TakeRecorder has already had. T ...
When a Niagara System is placed at around 10^8 units away from the origin, the movements of the mesh particles aren't smooth as expected, but jumpy. These particles behave as if they are using a flo ...
This may not be an expected use of state machines, but it is becoming a showstopper for a couple of users. These user's are caching their locomotion state machine and then using a second state mach ...
If a mesh is duplicated within a blueprint components panel, it will be invisible in the viewport, the transform widget will incorrectly align itself and refrain from moving, and if the transform wi ...
Objects that are 100k uu+ away from camera do not trigger "OnClicked" events ...
Morph Targets do not update in Construction Script Tested in 4.5 Release and in Latest Promoted (//depot/UE4/Promoted-CL-2323471) ...
When deploying a project to an Android device that uses UMG and Chinese text, Not all text is displayed when deployed to a mobile device ...