When a user deletes a Niagara User Parameter within the Niagara System editor window, attempting to create a new parameter with the same name immediately after deletion results in an error. Despite ...
The GPU crashes after the ray tracing geometry builder attempts to create a shader resource view with an invalid offset. ...
If a custom code based enum is used inside a blueprint, doing a hot reload will break the nodes by assuming they are of a type other than enum. ...
Event Dispatchers do not update event references when renamed if the green "+" is used to add the event in the Details Pane of an actor component. Note: Event Dispatchers appear to rename normally ...
Calling a Multicast RPC from a Player Controller creates a new Player Controller on the Client. In 4.7.6, this results in a repeating log warning: "LogPlayerController:Warning: Calling IsLocalContro ...
Child character's Variable changes to the default value in a packaged project. User Description: Name of player character resets (to default value specified in parent class) after packaging. 3. P ...
When blueprints associated with the actorcomponent are open and changes are made to the actorcomponent, once it's compiled there are compiler errors on the indirect blueprints. ...
This is a common crash callstack that has affected more than 300 unique users since at least the 4.11 release. Other Jiras in the past with similar callstacks include [Link Removed] and [Link Remo ...
Not Attached particle system is not seen in the viewport of the editor. This particle will be seen normally when PIE. Regression? Yes. This issue is not reproduced in 4.17 version. You can simply ...
The names of dynamic parameters in material layers do not seem to update from material instances. ...