Crash when loading Anim BP after undoing and saving "Use Shared Rule" in state machine

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 19, 2022

Reported by UDN  [Link Removed] From Slack discussion: It seems that undo-ing the transaction in UAnimStateTransitionNode::UseSharedRules, leaves the outer graph (UAnimationStateMachineGraph) wit ...

FPlatformMisc::RequestExit freezes app in IOS

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 12, 2022

See the UDN question (duplicated below). I think we need to better manage the lifetime of the event we use for synchronization here. We are experiencing an issue where when FPlatformMisc::Request ...

[Merge Actor] Lightmap UVs are broken after merging meshes

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Jul 11, 2022

This issue occurs when merging static meshes that have multiple LODs. If they are using UV1 for lightmap index, after merging, the UV1 of the result for each LODs will all be differents, making the ...

Reparenting an actor BP to EditorUtilityActor does not give access to editor utility nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 11, 2022

Ran into this while answering a UDN. A user was expecting to find the blueprint functions available to Editor Utility Blueprints after reparenting their actor to EditorUtilityActor. I confirmed that ...

Can not affect "r.SetRes" command in editor new window

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 11, 2022

When playing in "New Editor Window" mode, entering the r.setres command does not change the screen size. This worked in UE4.27, but no longer works in UE5.0. ...

Physics Constraint returns incorrect values for Swing1, Swing2, and Twist

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 7, 2022

Tested in //UE5/Main CL#20966071 Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 Physics Constraint returns incorrect values for Swing1, Swing2, and Twist. ...

When using ProceduralFoliageVolume, ActorFoliage can be used even if World Partition is enabled in UE5.0

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 28, 2022

UE5.0 does not support ActorFoliage at Levels where World Partition is enabled ( [Link Removed] ), but ActorFoliage will work via ProceduralFoliageVolume. And when you cook the level you will get an ...

Foliage is placed on LevelInstanceActor does not follow basecomponent when the LevelInstanceActor moves

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 24, 2022

Foliage usually follows when the Transform of the placed ground or floor changes. However, if the ground or floor is a Level Instance Actor, it will not follow. The cause is in the code below. voi ...

Fatal Error when setting S RGB to true on a Texture 2D from a Render Target Create Static Texture Editor Only node

UE - Texture - Jun 6, 2022

This is a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 Fatal Error when setting S RGB to true on a Texture 2D from a Render Target Create Static Texture Editor Only node. ...