Foliage is placed on LevelInstanceActor does not follow basecomponent when the LevelInstanceActor moves

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 24, 2022

Foliage usually follows when the Transform of the placed ground or floor changes. However, if the ground or floor is a Level Instance Actor, it will not follow. The cause is in the code below. voi ...

Fatal Error when setting S RGB to true on a Texture 2D from a Render Target Create Static Texture Editor Only node

UE - Texture - Jun 6, 2022

This is a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 Fatal Error when setting S RGB to true on a Texture 2D from a Render Target Create Static Texture Editor Only node. ...

Properly handle child actor component referencing Level Instance actor

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Jun 3, 2022

Scaling actor along the Z Axis while the X and Y axis are set to 0.01 causes the Actor to stop rendering in the scene

UE - Graphics Features - May 27, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 CL18319896 Scaling a Static Mesh along the Z Axis while the X and Y axes are set to 0.01 causes the Actor to stop rendering in the scene once the Z ...

Collision settings of an Instanced Static Mesh setup in the Construction Script are not preserved when the Actor is added to an Instanced Level

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 23, 2022

Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL 18319896 using Level Streaming the camera was ignored by the ISM_Cube. Collision settings of an Instanced Static Mesh setup in the Construction Script are not preser ...

IKRetargeting Skeletal Mesh Does Not Update Virtual Bones

UE - Anim - Rigging - Retargeting - May 20, 2022

Occurs 5/5 times. Regression does not occur: UE5Manny Skeletons are new to UE5.0  ...

Resizing panels causes ghosting/shifting of contents during drag

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - May 13, 2022

Resizing the editor window or any floating panel causes the panel contents to jitter during drag.   See attached images.  The jittering one is from Main and the normal behavior was captured in UEFN. ...

Virtual Bones Are Not Retained in Retargeted Animation Aim Offsets

UE - Anim - Rigging - Retargeting - May 13, 2022

Occurs 5/5 times Virtual Bones are not retained in Retargeted Animation Aim Offset. Regression does not occur as UE5 Manny assets are not available for retargeting before UE5.    ...

[MetaSounds][Sequencer] - Inputs don't update or clear unless the Audio Track is deleted and readded

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - May 13, 2022

Inputs in Sequencer don't update when a MetaSound is changed or if the Sound on an audio track is changed to a different asset. The Inputs cannot be added or removed manually. This leads to the user ...

Engine crashes when building GPU Lightmass in large scenes

UE - Graphics Features - May 12, 2022

Engine crashes when building GPU lightmass in larger scenes. This does not occur on smaller maps like the Unreal Engine Templates. I was able to reproduce this issue in CitySamples SmallCity map. T ...