It does not appear to matter to the repro steps what is input to the VertexInterpolator, it matters more that there is a Normalize between the VertexInterpolator and the base color input of the mate ...
Lighting channels do not function when the number of lights affecting actors is 79 or higher. Any number of lights that is 78 or fewer will honor lighting channel assignments. ...
Android is failing to package when GoogleVR is enabledUATHelper: Packaging (Android (ATC)): UnrealBuildTool: BUILD FAILED UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ATC)): UnrealBuildTool: C:\NVPACK\android-sd ...
Setting the values for Fringe Saturation within the Post Process Volume does not seem to have any visual change. The documentation suggests that changing the Fringe Saturation will either increase ...
Unable to increment TMap value if Key is zero. Changing the TMap Key to 1 on Add will allow the Value of "Key 0" to be incremented. User Description: It seems as if the 'Find' node for the newly ...
The [bIsVisible] flag is set to [1] by the following judgment.const bool bIsInDrawRange = DistanceSquared >= Bounds.MinDrawDistanceSq * HLODState.FOVDistanceScaleSq; Judging from this code, I bel ...
When selecting an actor in the viewport, some AMD GPU users are reporting that the selection outline is not visible. Rolling drivers back to 17.1.1 correct the behavior.| Two EngineQA tester have ...
When attempting to package for tvOS or iOS with the generate dSYM options enabled, numerous instances of the following errors occur:[2019.01.21-20.53.35:739][138]UATHelper: Packaging (tvOS): [2019 ...
The PackageMap / NetGuidCache appear to get into a bad state on Clients if the Server toggles level visibility of a sublevel. This can affect currently connected clients, as well as clients that jo ...
When you package a project in 4.6.1 for Windows (32 bit) shipping, the file size is around 160 MB. When you package a sample project in 4.7.2, the packaged size will be around 345 MB. [Link Remove ...