Reported from this UDN: The problem is that, except in very specific circ ...
I am using the orthographic camera preview fairly extensively for making an in-engine Tiling Texture maker. This feature is currently busted since the orthographic camera preview window is rendering ...
When the node Spawn Actors from class is used with a pure input (in this case a pure function with a transform output) The result is that it get evaluated twice. In the test project provided a print ...
Custom depth does not render on static meshes converted to blueprint without render custom depth option enabled. This issue does not affect objects that are added as a component to a blueprint. To w ...
The "Find" node can cause a crash if the a map with a struct value changes type while connected, is disconnected and reconnected. Compilation fails and crashes the engine. Found in 4.23.1 CL#963142 ...
The user is using a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume and a Nav Link Proxy. They are calling AI Move To to navigate to the point, but the Character reproduces extra movement and goes a bit past it. For debuggi ...
I'm seeing it as an issue in at least 4.25.4, maybe prior. I'll update after checking 4.24. From the tests at my desk I could see that the HotReload.State file that DeleteTemporaryFiles (HotReloa ...
Crash at runtime when Retainerbox scale is set to 0. The call stack indicates that the size of RenderTarget2D is set to 0. Attached repro project sets the scale of the RetainerBox that wraps the Im ...
Light injection into the Translucent Light Grid voxels does not use the correct location for clipping or attenuation. Both of these points are outside the voxel that is being updated. Light attenua ...
When the user name on Windows is set to cyrillic importing APEX cloth assets will fail. I'm not sure what other systems this may also affect, but adding a cloth apb asset to a skeletal mesh will cau ...