Foliage LOD's Screen Size Can't be Set Higher Than 1.5

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jan 31, 2019

Foliage LOD's Screen Size Can't be Set Higher Than 1.5 Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 CL# 4827620, 5.1 CL 20024840 ...

Culling for child meshes do not update when using a Master Pose Component

UE - Anim - Runtime - Nov 15, 2018

Child meshes bounds location does not appear to update when the parent mesh's location is changed when using a master pose. ...

ApplyLimits AnimGraph Node has incorrect functionality

UE - Anim - Rigging - Nov 8, 2018

In AnimNode_ApplyLimits.cpp the inputs for the ConstrainAngularRange function are going to the wrong rotator values. The XYZ of the node's input vec3 is being stored in YPR of the clamped rotator, w ...

Complex Landscape Collision is always used

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 24, 2018

For landscapes, both the simple and complex collision are used when simulated against.  ...

Inconsistent Blueprint Instance Physics/Collision edit-ability

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 9, 2018

For Blueprints with components having collision, the collision profile set in the blueprint seems to determine the edit-ability of many collision/physics properties of the instances. The profiles ef ...

LandscapeStreamingProxy do not properly save z offset from world composition, level property.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Aug 21, 2018

LandscapeStreamingProxy seems not properly saving z offset from level details when using world composition. It is reset to 0 when reopening the project. z position value from level details is saved. ...

Root Motion interpolation is incorrect when use URO

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 3, 2018

According to Licensee's report, Root motion is incorrect when use URO. I Investigated, in the case of "Montages Only" become TrailMode in URO. Normally Animation Interpolation has implementation, ...

Foliage doesn't follow the Landscape which was planted on when level has never been saved

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jun 8, 2018

Once the foliage instances lost the link to Landscape, Reapply tools also doesn't do anything on those foliage ...

Scale is 0.0f when editing a curve with Animation Sequencer.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 6, 2018

There are conditions. ・EnableRootMotion is true. ・Adidive Anim Type is Mesh Space or Local Space. ...

Can't disable collision on landscapes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 14, 2018

Disabling collision on a Landscape doesn't work when using the Collision Preset 'NoCollision'. The Landscape still generates collision on Static and Skeletal meshes. ...