Investigate and fix all calls where the Navigation System is constructed without the NavigationObjectRepository subsystem being valid. ...
The cook completes with a warning for "LogNavigation: Warning: UNavigationObjectRepository is required for navigation system operations" which causes many CI pipelines to fail as they use treat warn ...
Streaming out the navmesh and streaming the area back into the world before the GC runs causes the navmesh streamed back into the world to only have navmesh tiles on a layer with tiles that would b ...
Licensees have reported failed multi-thread access code for NavElementAccessDetector in complex levels that have not finished compilation of their static meshes. The eventual failed check is inside ...
The licensee has reported, and I was able to reproduce, that specifically in package builds targeting Development configuration, trying to toggle the SmartLinkEnabled state of a NavLinkProxy will cr ...
Context Projects can turn on the project setting bDoFullyAsyncNavDataGathering to execute navigation mesh building tasks on worker threads. Some of these tasks will access the NavOctree, whose life ...
In UE 5.5, when loading a map and selecting "Build – Build Paths", the nav mesh is not generated on any BSP brushes (although it is correctly generated in static meshes). This did not happen in earl ...
Context ARecastNavMesh::FindDistanceToWall can be used to find the closest 'wall' on a nav mesh, given a queried position. A wall can be:any boundary towards the end of the nav mesh (outer rectangl ...
Editor performance plummets when moving BSP brushes in a level with several other BSP brushes present. Navmesh regeneration is the main cause as the full bounds for all BSP are used to determine whi ...
In UE 5.5, when loading a map and selecting "Build – Build Paths", the nav mesh is not generated on any BSP brushes (although it is correctly generated in static meshes). This did not happen in earl ...